Ani DiFranco – Both Hands

June 12, 2015 10:00 am Published by

Ani DiFranco - Living in Clip

Ani DiFranco – Living in Clip

Here’s an old one that I don’t hear any of the young folks talking about at all. Young folks, if you are going to raid your parents’ record collection, I urge you to look for some Ani DiFranco records, and play the hell out of them.
Why does a guy like me care about Ani DiFranco anyway? I am about as boring as it gets. I like girls. I have never questioned that. I have never been through a curious phase. I stink like testosterone; all day and night. I was terribly out of place at all of Ani’s concerts.
I think I loved Ani’s music because it was, like love in the time of your early 20’s, very much messy and confusing.
Her presentation very much like those final conversations you have with someone where they sit you down at 2AM and tell you everything that has been on their mind. You are not allowed to speak, only listen. and in the end, you are served your walking papers.
And while it’s always so raw, and so nervy, I could never get enough.
So, young folks, raid your parents record collections, and you’ll find that while technology has changed drastically, we, as people, are the same as we ever were.

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This post was written by sergio_101