Candy Hearts – I Miss You
June 8, 2015 10:00 am
I listened to the album once. Maybe twice, then promptly ordered the album on vinyl. It has made countless revolutions on my turntable, and when I play it for friends, their reaction is usually along the lines of: “What does a 46 year old dude care about this genre of music?”
It’s actually a very valid question. I came up in a time where music portrayed being young as being terribly difficult. The albums I came of age to where The Smiths “The Queen is Dead” and Depeche Mode’s “Black Celebration.” I came of age expecting everything to be impossibly difficult. The ensuing mess could probably be chalked up as a self fulfilling prophecy.
Candy Hearts and bands like them celebrate the simplicity of being young and coming of age. The idea of a boy meeting a girl doesn’t have to be destined for crash and burn. The idea of boy meets girl does not have to be fraught with complication. Hopefully, for them and those on their bandwagon, their vision serves as a self fulfilling prophecy.
For those of you in the Ohio area, Candy Hearts will be playing at Donatos Basement. I am working out the details, but I will most likely be there.
Categorised in: Jam
This post was written by sergio_101