Courtney Barnett – Depresston

June 2, 2015 10:00 am Published by

courtneyWhen I was growing up, a huge portion of my life was spent waiting for Rodney Bingenheimer to come on the air, then making lists of the songs he played. Next, I’d daydream that I could afford all of the albums or even had the wherewithal to get them home.
It was a different time back then. Resources were limited, there was no internet, and record stores were often hostile environments to ask questions in.

Now, we have infinite access to any album by any artist we would like to hear from, for the low price of $10 a month. Even then, the biggest complaints I hear are: “You mean I have to PAY to hear the albums?”, or, “There is no good music coming out these days!” It seems that our future selves are rather spoiled and uninteresting.

In this future land of milk and honey, it seems the thing I most look forward to is Fridays. Not that I am in a mad dash for the weekend, but I feel like I am back in front of my radio, it’s the middle of the night, and Rodney on the Roq is taking to the air. I no longer live within range of KROQ, but Ted and his show 480 Minutes, on SomaFM has filled the gap.

I have shot enough breeze with Ted to know that he is infinitely legit, he understands music, and I trust him; just as much as I trusted Rodney. Courtney Barnett is one of the artists that Ted led me to.

These days, I can press a few buttons, and UPS will deliver all the great records I just heard to my door, but the joy of discovery (alongside a mystical radio DJ) is alive and well once again.

Thanks, Ted.

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This post was written by sergio_101