Nine Inch Nails – Gary Numan – Cars
June 5, 2015 10:00 am So sorry about yesterday’s absence. There is a big new thing going on, but I can’t say anything about it for a little while. I will let you know when the time is right.I can’t believe that I am actually admitting this in public: I am not a Nine Inch Nails fan. I never have been. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not mad at them, they just don’t push any of my buttons. I actually am a huge fan of Trent Reznor, I think he’s a bona fide musical genius. I think he is one of the more important artists for the past 30 years. For whatever reason, I can’t get into NIN.
I have always been a Gary Numan fan. I was infected by the synth bug very early, and have not yet been able to shake it.
I think one of the reasons I never got into NIN was that it never appeared that they were having fun. I have spent a great deal of my life avoiding things that were not fun. One of the funnest things I ever did was play music.
Seeing Trent Reznor play with with Gary Numan on this track makes me feel like he is really having fun. Real fun, not cool guy fun. Awesome.
Categorised in: Jam
This post was written by sergio_101