Peter, Paul, and Mary – This Land is Your Land

May 25, 2015 10:00 am Published by

Peter, Paul, and Mary - MovingMemorial Day is a day put aside each year for us to  remember those Americans who gave their lives in the protection of our Freedoms and Liberty here in the United States. It is the belief of me and my Tribe Ruiz that we should remember our fallen each and every day. War has a very real currency. The currency of war is the lives of our mothers and fathers, our grandfathers and grandmothers, our brothers and sisters, our cousins and best friends. The cost of war is the empty seats during Christmas dinner; the empty seats during our graduations, weddings, and those our descendants. There is not an American who can look across their lives and and not feel the pain of those empty seats, the seats of those who, in the battle for our Freedom and Liberty, did not come home.

This year, I would urge Americans to think not of the incredible loss and and empty seats in their lives, but think about the things that so many men and women, boys and girls laid down their lives for. They laid down their lives for this land, America. They gave their lives in the hopes that we would take this gift and make something better of it.

I urge you to understand one thing. This Land, the land bought and paid for by the blood of our fellow Americans, has been gifted to us. This Land is our land, and it was made for you and me.

I would urge you to do the following, to make sure no one forgets why we carry empty seats in our lives:

  1. Teach your kids this song. Teach them what it means, and teach them about each of the places it mentions.
  2. Travel with your kids. Take them across this country, and show them the wonder. Leave it to them to figure out what makes it great. They will.
  3. Teach them that when they see a serviceman or woman in uniform, quietly pull them aside and thank them for their service.
  4. Teach them that while we have the freedom to walk on the American Flag, it is absolutely the wrong thing to do.
  5. Teach them why we all have empty seats at the table during our greatest achievements and worst failures. Teach them that we have the freedom to succeed and fail because someone else bought and paid for that opportunity.

This Memorial Day, let’s focus on the immensity of what we have been gifted. Each and every day, let’s thank the courageous who should be filling those empty seats.

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This post was written by sergio_101