The Replacements – Bastards of Young
January 6, 2016 10:00 amAnyone who sprouted pubes during the 80’s is already impossibly aware of this song. This article is not for you. This article is for those of you who waited until the late 80’s or 90’s to be born. The Replacements are a band that you need to know about. Not only did they create classic albums, they landed on planet earth to prove to you that they are much cooler than you will ever be. They are there to open the door to a world you might never have known, but will never leave.
This song in particular led me to want to apply for a job that I had never even knew existed, that of Music Supervisor. In the mid 1980’s, I wanted to find this job, just so I could place this song in a movie.
Years later, I heard about a movie that was to be released called “Adventureland.” The idea of coming of age in the 80’s again had me at go, but when I saw the movie, the opening credits made this movie one of the greatest I had seen. Sure, it may be that this movie is horrible, but I am so skewed, I would have no idea how to tell for sure.
I could gush about The Replacements for hours, but it might be better off for you to go see the movie.
For those of you who have this song embedded in your microchips, check out the intro to the movie. I loved this soundtrack so much, I reached out to the music supervisor, Tracy McKnight to let her know of a job so well done. If you dig it, do the same.
Categorised in: Jam
This post was written by sergio_101