Weclome to Morning Toast and Jam

May 13, 2015 1:50 am Published by

15707793053_038873e69f_zWelcome to my new project! What you will find here are songs that I have come to know and love, that for whatever reason, I think you should love and own too. I must admit, I will most likely be posting only stuff i like: only things that have crept into my DNA over the years.

I grew up in the 70’s and 80’s in Southern California. I grew up listening to KTYD, KMET, KLOS, and KROQ. I also spent many late nights exploring the left side of the dial, including KPFK, KCRW, and KCSB. I also built shortwave radios, just to see what the BBC was doing at the time.

In looking at the list I have amassed so for, I noticed that there are wavering themes throughout, and  I start itching to explore. This website is my invitation to you to join me in this exploration.

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This post was written by sergio_101